Flashes Athletic Association

St. Aloysius High School has a tradition of excellence in athletics. The Flashes Athletic Association is comprised of parents, teachers, students, and community supporters who, together, raise money each year to support 23 varsity and junior varsity teams and athletes representing over 15 sports, and volunteer time and attendance at sporting events.
We encourage you to be a part of our athletics program. Our goal, made possible by your continued participation, hard work, volunteer efforts, and financial support, is to provide the best possible resources to maximize and showcase the talents of our student athletes.
We hope you will help us continue this tradition of outstanding contribution by supporting the Flashes Athletic Association! Go Flashes!
To mail your donation, please send to:
Vicksburg Catholic School
Attn: FAA
1900 Grove Street
Vicksburg, MS 39183
Contact The FAA at [email protected].